Saturday, June 21, 2003

No crossword yet......... day 21!!

Thanks everyone, for your kind comments.
GanonsD---How old am i???? Hmmm, welll...........lets just say I'm old nuff to know better, but still young nuff to do it again, and again and again, LOL!!!!!!! I will tell you tho, I have 2 kids--an 11 yr-old(will be 12 in 3 months) and a 9 yr old(will be 10 next month).

PETPETS--Well the mystery is unravelling very slowly. You ONLY loose petpets that your pets are playing with.....NOT petpets in your Safety Deposit Box, Shop, or Inventory. I finally lost all 3 of my pet's petpets yesterday!!! Since then, I've been everywhere looking for clues and answers. Found a few, that so far really lead to nothing......until last nite!! Neopets added Green Jelly to Jelly World. Seems all of our beloved petpets are feasting on that nasty looking green stuff.........YUK!!!!!!!!!! But of course, Neopets is STILL holding out saying there is NO such place...............

Thanks to all of you who voted in my poll....Don't worry, I will NOT be making the page password protected.
Please vote in the new poll tho, What is your take on the PetPet situation?


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