Sunday, June 15, 2003

Still no crossword........ day 15

Rebekah, I provide the answers cuz I want to, not cuz I'm expecting anything from anyone......and no, I would NEVER charge anyone for using my answers for the crossword or any other game on the main NeoPets RefDesk site. And not just cuz NeoPets would have my hide, but because I know how hard it is to make Neopoints these days. But hey, if any of you want to check out my shop and buy something...................... LOL

As for the PPL and petpets going missing, the more I've talked to ppl and checked things out, I really think that it IS all related. Petpets did not go missing until the PPL was introduced. The PPL is to Protect PetPets. So maybe they don't just award ppl, they also "punish" ppl who do NOT care for their petpets properly. A few ppl I have talked to didn't realize that you could play with your petpet, talk to it, etc. So they never did, and now all theirs are gone..........


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