Sunday, January 18, 2004

1. Secretlab
5. True
7. Yoga
9. Lair
10. Branston
11. Snowflake

2. Roar
3. Chia
4. Kelp
5. Tent
6. Pickled
8. Garon
11. Stix
12. Feet
13. Kick

Thanks Marcus for posting today's answers :):)

Blake, broadband is awesome!!!! how can you be bored???? With broadband, you can shop in the Neopian shops(like the bookshop) and ACTUALLY get stuff!! When the bookshop fills, if u have dial-up, you are lucky to get one or two books, but with broadband, you can get quite a few!! That is where I spend all my time in neopia, lol.... and I make quite a bit of NPs selling the books too.

Heena, I just changed my shop rid of my christmas background and graphics. I had no problem with it.


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