Monday, June 30, 2003

15. FIVE

8. BLT
9. TWO
12. AAVL
13. BLUE

Maeghan, yesterday's answers were correct, as I did the puzzle myself and was awarded the neopoints. After filling in the last clue on the puzzle you should be taken to a page that tells you how long it took to finish the puzzle and how many neopoints you won. If it doesn't go to that page, then one of the answers is spelt incorrectly, just go back over every answer and recheck it.

Tommye, thanks for your kind comments :)

Sunday, June 29, 2003

5. ART
8. DOM
11. EDNA
12. GEM

3. KOI
6. CRY
7. LTD

Saturday, June 28, 2003

12. KICK

2. BED
3. ROO
4. EGG
9. SEA
11. TECH
12. KOI

I will be away for a few days, so there will be no answers posted after today until I get back hopefully Monday or Wednesday of next week. It would be greatly appreciated if someone would post the answers in the comments section everyday.

Friday, June 27, 2003

2. SSS
8. BAD
10. BBQ

4. ORB
5. SET
8. BOB
9. BOY

Thursday, June 26, 2003

YAY!!!!!! The crossword is back!!!!!!

3. MRC
4. SIX
9. ICE
15. ORB

12. ROO
13. TSRC

The crossword is still down...... day 26 :(

They had it up yesterday for a short time, to test it. When they were done testing they took it down again. But this does mean they are closer to finishing it.

Wednesday, June 25, 2003

Still no crossword.......... day 25

Tuesday, June 24, 2003

The crossword is still down.......... day 24

Petpets--In the Neopian News today: "Wow - it seems all the petpets that were missing have returned to their owners. I wonder where they went... it's a shame that they can't talk :( One thing is for sure, they all seem VERY happy!"
I have all my petpets back.

Monday, June 23, 2003

Still no crossword........ day 23

Changing PetPets--It seems some of the older petpets are changing into different petpets when you take them away from your pets. Some other petpets have had their names changed--the mongmong being one of them....I just can't remember what the mongmong's name was changed to....but i noticed it the other night when making my missing petpet database.

Sunday, June 22, 2003

The crossword is still down........ day 22

PetPets---I would really appreciate if any of you would NEOMAIL ME, or post in the comments section of this page, the types of petpets that have been stolen from you and as well as the ones that haven't. I am trying to determine if the Petpets are disappearing by type or just randomly. When neomailing me, plz separate the lost petpets from the petpets you still have. Plz, only include the petpets that your pets were/are playing with, NOT petpets in your shop, safety deposit box or items inventory.

Saturday, June 21, 2003

No crossword yet......... day 21!!

Thanks everyone, for your kind comments.
GanonsD---How old am i???? Hmmm, welll...........lets just say I'm old nuff to know better, but still young nuff to do it again, and again and again, LOL!!!!!!! I will tell you tho, I have 2 kids--an 11 yr-old(will be 12 in 3 months) and a 9 yr old(will be 10 next month).

PETPETS--Well the mystery is unravelling very slowly. You ONLY loose petpets that your pets are playing with.....NOT petpets in your Safety Deposit Box, Shop, or Inventory. I finally lost all 3 of my pet's petpets yesterday!!! Since then, I've been everywhere looking for clues and answers. Found a few, that so far really lead to nothing......until last nite!! Neopets added Green Jelly to Jelly World. Seems all of our beloved petpets are feasting on that nasty looking green stuff.........YUK!!!!!!!!!! But of course, Neopets is STILL holding out saying there is NO such place...............

Thanks to all of you who voted in my poll....Don't worry, I will NOT be making the page password protected.
Please vote in the new poll tho, What is your take on the PetPet situation?

Friday, June 20, 2003

Still no crossword...... day 20

Rebekah-- Yes, unfortunately petpets are still going missing.....I just lost 2 yesterday. Hopefully we will all get them back.......

For those of you who are still neomailing me/emailing me about why the crossword is not up.......well it is cuz NEOPETS, who run the crossword, have taken it work on new puzzles. I can't make them come back any faster, i dont have any control over it, so plz stop the emails/neomails saying u will report me for not giving u the answers. I will post the answers once there are answers to post.

Thursday, June 19, 2003

No crossword yet...... day 19

Tuesday, June 17, 2003

Still no crossword..... day 17

Tim Flash--what do u mean your petpet's played with some weird things?

Meghan--you are more than welcome to go find another site that provides the answers, but NONE will have any now, as there is NO crossword to get answers for. NEOPETS has stopped the crossword for the time being, and you won't find answers anywhere until Neopets brings it back.

Monday, June 16, 2003

The Crossword is still down.......... day 16

Yes, you can play or talk with your petpet. To do this, go HERE. On your pet's quick ref page, click on the petpet u want to play with/talk to. You will be brought to a new page, where u can name your petpet, and also type something to say to your pet. Talking and playing with your pet is basically the same thing.

Sunday, June 15, 2003

Still no crossword........ day 15

Rebekah, I provide the answers cuz I want to, not cuz I'm expecting anything from anyone......and no, I would NEVER charge anyone for using my answers for the crossword or any other game on the main NeoPets RefDesk site. And not just cuz NeoPets would have my hide, but because I know how hard it is to make Neopoints these days. But hey, if any of you want to check out my shop and buy something...................... LOL

As for the PPL and petpets going missing, the more I've talked to ppl and checked things out, I really think that it IS all related. Petpets did not go missing until the PPL was introduced. The PPL is to Protect PetPets. So maybe they don't just award ppl, they also "punish" ppl who do NOT care for their petpets properly. A few ppl I have talked to didn't realize that you could play with your petpet, talk to it, etc. So they never did, and now all theirs are gone..........

Saturday, June 14, 2003

The crossword is still down......... day 14

Awww Corey that sux!!!!!!! Luckily I wasn't one!!!! When I read in the News that petpets were disappearing, I went straight away to check.......I even thought about taking them away from my pets so I dont end up loosing them......but then noticed that there is a NEW thing called the PetPet Protection League or the PPL. Every week a type of petpet will be chosen, and whoever owns one will receive rewards. This week it is the Ghosterchief.

Friday, June 13, 2003

No crossword yet......... day 13

Thursday, June 12, 2003

Still no 12

OMG I am having major crossword withdrawls!!!!!! I really hope they get the new puzzles made soon!!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 11, 2003

The crossword is still down...... day 11

Joan, the crossword is not down due to a server issue. It is down because Neopets is creating more puzzles.

Tuesday, June 10, 2003

The crossword is still down........... day 10

Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to vote in my little poll :)

Monday, June 09, 2003

Still no crossword.......... day 9 :(

amygirl8888, to uninstall the Shockwave Player from your puter, Go to Add/Remove Programs in your computer's Control Panel(if u r using Windows98, you will find it by clicking Start, Settings, Control Panel). Once the Add/Remove Programs box pops up, scroll through the list until you find Shockwave. Highlight it, and click the Add/Remove button. You may have to go through an Uninstall wizard, but just follow the instructions.

But, if you want to get the newest version of Shockwave, you DO NOT have to uninstall the older version. Just go to the link I provided on Saturday's post and it should just automatically update the older version.

Saturday, June 07, 2003

The crossword is down still......... day 7

Corey, I really don't think it does matter if your pets are happy etc. Just a matter of random luck.

Hotbutterflychik08, I was having probs with the way the games were playing, until i redownloaded the shockwave player. You can download it HERE.

Friday, June 06, 2003

The crossword is still down....... day 6

GanonsD, no I don't know when the crossword will be back. It will be back whenever Neopets has finished "making their changes". But..... back in January of this year, the crossword went down and didnt return until the middle of February. It was down 40+ days that time.

Thursday, June 05, 2003

There is still no crossword...... day 5

Corey, you have to be patient. Good things happen too!!! Like your pet's color will change, go up levels, go up in stats etc. Just keep trying. and I'm not sure what you mean by "how to send your pet in".

Katie, you have to complete the Secret Laboratory Map to gain access to the lab ray. Where to find it once you complete the map is in Treasure Maps under Puzzle Games in the Games Room.

Wednesday, June 04, 2003

The crossword is still down....... day 4

Corey, I didnt say I thought it was bad to have an adoption agency.... I was just saying what COULD happen, should someone report you.

Tuesday, June 03, 2003

The crossword is still down............ day 3

Thanks everyone for your kind comments.

I've received alot of questions about the poll here. NO, I am not deffinately making the site password protected. It is just an idea. If i DID decide to password protect it, you would only be required to provide a username and password when u register. Not any other personal info.

Monday, June 02, 2003

I have added a Poll to this page, you will find it in the links section at the left of the page. Please take the time to vote. I am thinking of making this page Password Restricted-you will have to register, and log-in just to view the answers. But doing it this way may cut down on the negative people I receive mail from. This is just a poll, NOT a guarantee that I am going to do it.

Thanks GanonD

Corey, adoption agencies are forbidden on Neopets. There is ONLY one adoption center, the Neopian Pound. Having an adoption agency could get your account frozen if someone reports you. Do what I do, make a pet go up in stats, wait until its painted something, then just go to the Neopian Pound and abandon it. Then make a new pet and keep going.

If you have never read the rules of Neopets(what is allowed and what is not) visit this great website, made to help people understand Neopia and Neopets. Once there, u will see a menu bar to the left of the page. Find Neo Rules, and click on Neo Warnings.

The Crossword is STILL down....... day 2!!!!

NEOPETS took the crossword down so they can make new puzzles....It happens every now and then.
Thank you Amy Marie, and foxyfarie4u2002 for your comments. :)
Whenever the crossword is down, it is not MY doing, or is NEOPETS. For those of you who like to complain and blame me, e-mail Neopets with your complaints, don't clutter my message board with it. I CAN NOT DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT, OR MAKE IT COME BACK ANY FASTER.... I only provide answers when there is a puzzle to do.
Sorry I sound so cranky, but whenever Neopets takes the crossword down, I get countless e-mails from people threatening to report me if i dont bring the crossword back, they are always mean, nasty e-mails. It is NOT my responsiblity to provide answers, it is something I WANT to do.

Sunday, June 01, 2003

"The Faerie Crossword is down so we can make some changes. It should be back soon!"

GRRRR!!!!!!! Well, it's happened yet again.........but, I will keep checking everyday until it is back, and continue to post to keep you up to date.